It sounds ridiculous, how could GTA 5
be the MMO someone like me has been looking for? More and more I
find myself hanging out in GTA 5's online mode in the same way I used
to hang around Paragon City in City of Heroes or even Vanilla WoW!
Note, I am playing the PC version which only released about a month
1. World
The map of GTA 5 is large and sprawling. Driving from end to end
doesn't take as long as say, driving from Tanaris to Winterspring in
WoW, but Azeroth does not have highway infrastructure or sports cars.
A good world is one where there's non-goal oriented reasons to be
places you've been before. In many games, once you finish an area and
then... well... that's it for that area. 45 hours into GTA Online and
I'm not 'done' with anything.
2. Character Creation/ Stats
Character creation is not standard, you don't click through a
bunch of face types to find one you like. Instead, you cycle through
presets for your parents, and on a slider, decide whom you most
resemble. After that there are some basic sliders to customize a bit
more. Brow size, cheek bone depth, it's serviceable. My only real
gripe is the complete lack of customization for body sizes, everyone
is the same stocky build. But, again, that's a bit of a staple of the
genre, few online games go that in depth.

What did impress me is the stats. You are given a basic spread of
stats and are free to remove/add from each stat to a point. There are
restrictions on that, I was not allowed to bring my flying stat any
lower than 10, and there was an upper limit to where I could set my
stealth. While many may have gone for all around balanced sets, I
ended up with a character that had set strengths and weaknesses. To a
degree, your beginning stats are irrelevant, as everyone can raise
every stat to max. They increase in an Elder Scrolls fashion as you
use them, however, stats actually decrease as you're offline or don't
use them. I'm not sure how fast the degradation is, but the idea that
a person's higher stats are the ones they actually use is one I like.
Never fly planes? Well you're not going to keep a max flying skill
then. I think the hope is that the stats would balance out based on
someone's activities.

Stats have a tangible effect that in no
way limit you. There's nothing in the game telling you "You're
flying skill is not high enough for this." Your skill won't
even have an affect on the abilities of any vehicle. A driver with 0
stats and a driver with 100 stats in the same car will have the same
max speed. The cars will even have the same turning and breaking
ability. But the player with high stats won't spin out as easily. A
low flying skill means cross winds are incredibly powerful and force
you to constantly adjust your bearing whereas someone with max flying
will basically have no crosswind interference.
3. Playing Solo
I've had a surprising amount of fun playing alone when my friends
aren't on and I don't feel like playing with the randoms. (There's
been a few instances of being stuck in a match with exploiters.) Just
touring around has been very enjoyable. I've been trying to complete
the missions/lessons from the flying school to help raise flying
skill, robbing stores, parachuting and sometimes just taking a bike
and going across the beach.
4. Playing with others
The online races are best done with more players. Some races
support up to 30 vehicles, and before you think that must just turn
into one massive pile up, you may turn off collisions and turn
everyone into a transparent ghost. Having other players around on the
map has been rather entertaining. There can be 30 players in any
'instance' of the map. Few enough to not be constantly bothered,
enough that you still run into players naturally. If someone is being
a dick, their 'mental state' raises. The color of their marker on the
map changes as this raises and, once they've been a dick long enough, they become worth
more experience to kill. Players can even place bounties on others if
they become fed up with each others dickedness. Bounty hunting has
actually become a bit of hobby of mine now.
5. Playing with friends
Now here is where the game shines for me. I've actually got some
friends and roommates into the game and I started a crew (guild)
called the Time Stalkers. Co-operative missions are a blast with the
others as are the races. The real gem of the game however, are the

Heists are a string of missions started by a player. The leading
player needs to 'buy into' it, they pay the cost of all the set up.
There are then NUMEROUS 'set-up' missions. 5-6 depending on which
heist you're trying to do. We tend to do all of these as one group
but the leading player can hire anyone to do these. The catch is that
the leading player actually doesn't earn anything from these set up
missions, for him, it's all about the set up. The participating
players earn money, so you don't need to worry about asking others to
do missions for free. Many missions actually split the players into
separate roles. It seems odd, but the splitting of players into these
roles creates a greater feeling of teamwork than in Payday 2. After
all the set up is done, it's HEIST TIME! The leading play can decide
how big everyone's cut is here. In our group, we normally agree the
leading player gets the biggest cut as they paid for the buy in and
earned nothing in the set up.

The most satisfying thing however, has been how challenging these
have been. Giving multiple tries to get through a mission, trying
different strategies. Should we start to find these easy, we can even
turn up the difficulty.
6. Endless content
Some may ask "But won't you run out of races, missions
heists?" Maybe official ones, but the game has player created
content! An entire creator inside to make missions and races
yourselves. So long as I continue to find the act of racing fun,
theoretically there is no end.
7. Summing it up.
Overall my time in game has been spent well... just enjoying being
in game! I'm not overly worried about goals, progression, or numbers.
I just go around doing things while progression happens, and well....
that's how I like it.